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Ozone Therapy (Antimicrobial & Oxygenating), Ozonated Oils for The Gut & Skin, & My Experience with Autohemotherapy

Today's topic is quite intriguing, particularly because of my extensive experience with it during my initial recovery from Lyme disease: ozone therapy. My early encounters primarily involved ozone autohemotherapy, a process where I underwent several rounds of ozone IVs. During the procedure, the patient sits in a chair as around 200mls of blood are drawn into a bag. Ozone is then injected into the bag and gently mixed, allowing the blood cells to absorb the ozone. Subsequently, the ozonated blood is returned to the body. This entire process typically takes about 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the speed of blood extraction and acceptance of the intravenous ozone-blood mixture by the body.

As I mentioned earlier, my initial and most significant encounter with ozone therapy was during my Lyme disease recovery. However, ozone is an incredibly versatile molecule that can be delivered in various ways and forms. Before delving into specific applications and administration methods, let's first understand what ozone is and how it's formed.

The oxygen we breathe mainly exists in the form of diatomic oxygen, where two oxygen atoms are bonded together. This form of oxygen is stable. In contrast, ozone consists of three oxygen atoms bonded together. Although ozone isn't a radical molecule, it's much more reactive than oxygen. It forms when oxygen molecules are exposed to an energy source such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation or electrical discharges, causing them to split into individual oxygen atoms. These atoms can then react with other oxygen molecules to form ozone.

This phenomenon explains why thunderstorms can generate more ozone in the air. During a lightning strike, the intense electrical energy can ionize the surrounding oxygen molecules, splitting them into individual atoms. These highly reactive oxygen atoms can then combine with other oxygen molecules to form ozone. This process occurs when an oxygen atom collides with an oxygen molecule, resulting in the formation of ozone.

The presence of the third oxygen atom in ozone makes it highly reactive, as mentioned earlier. This is because the weak bonds in ozone allow it to readily decompose into O2 and O. Therefore, it can donate oxygen atoms, making it a powerful oxidizing agent. In simpler terms, when an ozone molecule decomposes into O2 and a single oxygen atom, that atom can react with inorganic and organic compounds to oxidize them.

Regarding oxidation, let's recall some high school chemistry: OIL RIG, where OIL stands for oxidation is losing and RIG stands for reduction is gaining. This concept highlights the transfer of electrons during oxidation-reduction reactions. While the original meaning of oxidation referred to "adding oxygen," the process actually involves transferring electrons. However, since we're discussing oxygen, we can simplify oxidation as the addition of a single oxygen atom to another compound, whether organic or inorganic.

Another important point to note is that ozone ranks as the third strongest oxidative agent known. Its decomposition into O2 and a single oxygen atom enables this atom to react vigorously with other compounds, leading to oxidation. When ozone oxidizes other compounds, it affects various chemical entities, including microorganisms. For instance, microorganisms like bacteria or fungi have cell membranes composed of chemical compounds. The plasma membranes of these microorganisms can be oxidized by the oxygen atom formed from the decomposition of ozone molecules. Once these plasma membranes are damaged due to oxidation, the microorganisms are often destroyed. However, it's crucial to recognize that when used therapeutically, there's a line of toxicity that ozone therapy can cross (pertaining to the dose), primarily because of its oxidizing properties.

The key to understanding ozone therapy's therapeutic effects lies in its ability to exhibit antimicrobial effects against a wide range of microorganisms. Ozone's oxidative properties disrupt microbial cell membranes, proteins, and genetic material, leading to the inactivation or destruction of these microorganisms. At therapeutic doses, ozone is not toxic to human cells due to its oxidation capabilities. Additionally, the potential for toxicity depends on the body's store of antioxidant defenses. Therefore, when used therapeutically at specific doses and assuming proper antioxidant capacity within the body, ozone therapy is documented as therapeutic rather than toxic. This clarification is essential, given the common question of why ozone is antimicrobial and can oxidize microbial constructs without affecting human cells. However, it's crucial to recognize that there's a threshold where "therapy" can become "toxicity" if crossed.

Aside from ozone's antimicrobial properties (largely due to the single atom of oxygen that is released), it also decomposes into oxygen molecules (O2). The oxygen molecule produced during decomposition is beneficial for oxygenating the body. In my case, during ozone autohemotherapy, the ozone gas was dissolved in my blood, leading to enhanced oxygenation upon reintroduction into my body intravenously. This increased oxygen supply is incredibly beneficial because oxygen is essential for cellular metabolism and energy production. Hypoxia, or insufficient oxygen supply to tissues, can impair tissue repair processes and contribute to chronic inflammation and delayed healing. Therefore, increasing oxygen supply supports cellular function, tissue repair, and immune function, ultimately benefiting overall health.

Overall, ozone therapy harnesses both the antimicrobial properties of single oxygen atoms and the oxygenating effects of oxygen molecules. It's essential to clarify that when discussing ozone therapy, we're NOT referring to inhaling ozone due to its harmful effects on the respiratory tract. Instead, therapeutic methods involve ozone autohemotherapy, rectal insufflation, supplements, or topical applications.

Beyond laying the groundwork for understanding ozone therapy, I aim to explore specific applications of ozone therapy for various ailments. For instance, Lyme disease, microbial overgrowth in the gut, or other specific conditions can benefit from ozone therapy.

However, for now, let's focus on the different types of ozone therapy and their mechanisms.

One such method is the use of ozonated oils or supplements. These supplements often use olive oil as a carrier, with the choice of oil affecting its potency. The Potential Ozonide Index (POI) determines an oil's ozone-holding capacity, with oils rich in Omega-3s, -6s, and -9s being more potent. For example, olive oil has a moderate POI of 92, making it suitable for ozone infusion. Another popular choice is sunflower oil, which has a high POI of 153, indicating its ability to hold a higher amount of ozone. However, I personally still want the olive oil. Also, refrigerating the capsules is recommended for prolonged storage. And, lastly, these supplements are commonly used for gut health, aiding in neutralizing pathogens in the GI tract.

Additionally, topical ozone oils provide another avenue for therapeutic use. These oils, typically applied as skincare treatments, can help combat conditions such as eczema or athlete's foot.

In conclusion, ozone therapy offers promising benefits when used judiciously and under professional guidance.


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