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How I Make My Own NAD+ Patches (Saving $ and Avoiding NAD+ Solution Degradation)

Let's explore the process of creating my own NAD+ patches. Some commercial patches can cost an exorbitant $600 for just a set of 6 patches, and intravenous (IV) drips can be even more costly. While one can opt for NAD+ precursors as an alternative, I personally favor the transdermal delivery method offered by NAD+ patches.

NAD+ in Energy Metabolism

To give you a quick overview of NAD+'s role in energy metabolism, let's start with the scenario where we consume food, leading to glucose entering our cells. Once glucose is inside the cell, particularly in the fluid portion of the cytoplasm called the cytosol, various processes can occur—it can be stored, used to produce energy, and so forth. Our focus now shifts to what happens to glucose once it's inside the cell and ready to be used for energy.

This is where glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose, comes into play. We won't delve into every intricate molecular conversion or the enzymes involved, but one crucial enzyme to highlight is glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, which operates around the midpoint of glycolysis. Interestingly, this enzyme relies on NAD+ as a cofactor or coenzyme to keep glycolysis running smoothly. Zooming out, glycolysis starts with glucose and ends with two pyruvate molecules, and during these conversions, various enzymes are needed, with some requiring the assistance of NAD+. As NAD+ is utilized, it transforms into NADH by the end of glycolysis.

Moving forward, pyruvate, under aerobic conditions where oxygen is available, enters the mitochondria for the Krebs cycle, having first transformed into acetyl-coA. Again, in the Krebs cycle, multiple enzymes and steps are involved, and NAD+ plays a role in assisting some of these enzymes. This process generates even more NADH due to the utilization of NAD+. These newly formed NADH molecules then journey from within the mitochondria to the inner mitochondrial membrane, where they can donate electrons to the electron transport chain, ultimately producing ATP. To provide some clarity, each NADH molecule utilized ideally yields 3 ATP molecules.

However, if NADH molecules cannot donate electrons to the electron transport chain due to various factors, such as anaerobic conditions, lack of oxygen (since oxygen is essential for the electron transport chain), mitochondrial dysfunction, or toxin-induced damage, the NAD+ to NADH ratio becomes imbalanced. This leads to an accumulation of NADH and depletion of NAD+ stores. Keep in mind that we need NAD+ for glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, and without it, these processes encounter difficulties.

NAD+ Therapy & Making My Patches

This background sets the stage for the popularity of NAD+ therapy today, as it helps restore crucial processes essential for energy metabolism and ATP production. However, NAD+ IV drips can be costly and time-consuming, often taking several hours to administer. Personally, I prefer using patches for my own NAD+ therapy. When making my patches, I source high-purity raw NAD+ powder, strictly for topical use. I rely on, where I can purchase 2.4 grams or 2400 mg of NAD+ for approximately $14.29. It's worth noting that NAD+ is water-soluble, and in creating highly concentrated NAD+ solutions for transdermal delivery, we technically exceed the solubility limit. Most commercial patches use around 400-500mg of NAD+ per patch, mixed with 1 ml of sterile water and applied to the skin.

Before use, I divide my 2400mg of NAD+ into six 400mg doses. Just before application, I mix one of these 400mg doses with 1 ml of sterile water. Importantly, I only mix the solution right before application to avoid degradation of NAD+. After preparing the solution, the next step is to add it to a specialized patch known as an iontophoresis patch. These patches employ electrical currents to facilitate transdermal NAD+ delivery through the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, over a specified period.

To provide context, electrochemical cells consist of two key components: the anode and the cathode. The anode experiences oxidation, leading to electron loss and positively charged ion generation, while the cathode undergoes reduction, gaining electrons and forming negatively charged ions. During cell operation, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode via an external circuit, creating an electric current. Simultaneously, ions flow within the cell through an electrolyte solution, allowing ion exchange and enabling electrical current production.

In the case of iontophoresis patches, we have an oxidized anode (positively charged due to electron loss) on the same side where we add the positively charged NAD+ solution (in our case, the 400mg NAD+ mixed with 1 ml of sterile water). This arrangement drives the positively charged NAD+ into the skin. However, this process only works when the circuit is complete. The circuit becomes complete when the reducible cathode (negatively charged because it gains electrons) connects to the anode through an electrically conductive connection. This movement of electrons from the anode to the cathode makes the cathode negative, which repels negative ions and pushes them into the skin.

Moreover, the application of the patch to the body induces current flow, and the rate of NAD+ delivery into the skin depends on the magnitude of the current flow between the electrodes. This approach ensures a sustained delivery rate over time, allowing the body to effectively absorb the molecules. Hence, most patch companies recommend specific wear durations. It's worth noting that over time, the electrode coatings become depleted, and when this happens, the current flow stops. These coatings enable the anode and cathode to undergo oxidation and reduction, allowing the flow of NAD+ into the skin. I typically purchase patches with a dosage rate of 80mA minutes, worn for 4 hours, and designed for holding around 1 ml of solution (used for both saline on the negative side and NAD+ on the positive side). It's important to note that when filling the negative side with saline, I only fill it enough to coat the area without oversaturating it.

Cost Comparison

In terms of cost comparison, creating my own NAD+ patches proves to be more economical. The expenses include high-purity NAD+ powder, sterile water, and the specialized patches. While the initial cost for these components may reach around $70, this is significantly lower compared to the price of commercial patch kits, which can range from $500 to $700 for similar quantities.

As I conclude this discussion, it's crucial to emphasize that my approach is based on personal preference and experimentation. For anyone considering NAD+ therapy or similar wellness practices, it is essential to consult and collaborate with a licensed medical physician to ensure safety and effectiveness.


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